Sweet Capri is 5 months old.
We call her our "bump on a log" because, truly, she is.
she just goes along with the flow and is contstanly entertained!
She eats well and sleeps well.
She takes 3 naps a day and wakes up
from her last nap a bit before 7pm!
So, we get some quality time with just her which is extra special.
She's our night owl, just like me.
She is FULL of smiles and giggles
and we are so IN LOVE with her.
Paisley is 3 and FREE!!
She is a riot, dancing all over this place
and putting on shows and tap dances and exercises and songs,
pinecones as microphones.
On this particular night the children dressed themselves in their underwear and danced around the house! What in the world?
Jake and I were enjoying the post-dinner silence when suddenly the parade appeared from down the steps!
It was hilarious!
Luke is full of imagination.
he's always inventing or building or concocting something or another. He uses his mind to play, just like his Daddy.
Here he is getting all decked out to help me cook, (chef Luke, spelled phonetically). And he actually is a help, he follows directions well and likes to see the rewards of his work/help. One of his favorite smells is crushed garlic, (as well as permanent markers, gas and an extinguished match....he's our smeller)! You can find him with his nose just inches from the garlic, inhaling deeply when he's in the kitchen. The other night during dinner he said, "oh Mom, these carrots smell like stink bugs" and he was TOTALLY RIGHT! Smell a handfull of raw carrots sometime and you'll see what he means! Speaking of stink bugs, he can smell those suckers from a room away!!
Here he is working with Jake this past Saturday.
I innocently mentioned that I'd like to repaint the kitchen and now we are in FULL-ON remodeling mode!! I don't know what got into my husband, but he is running with this idea. We've had fun dreaming together, (my tastes are becoming more and more like his as the years go by). A few weeks ago I suddenly became overwhelmed with all the COLOR around me. I think it's because all the humans around me are now my color, so I need a more simple "background palette". 

I AM SO EXCITED for the kitchen remodel and SO AMAZED at this man, who would take his "extra energy" and spend it here, (although I will honestly say that he is rejuvenated by projects, so this is a joy to him). This is why I don't ask him to do much around here, 'cause he'll DO IT, (and I just want to BE with him, not watch him work)!! :) I am deeply grateful for his kindness toward me.
Here's one inspiration picture for the kitchen and of course,
ingenious apron find!
Happy Halls,
Tyler and Luke's school.
Tyler fell at recess last week and so we've officially been introduced to the world of stitches. He was a trooper and only cried when he had to get 3 numbing shots into the wound! ugh!! Afterward I took him out to the Thomas Store and let him pick a new train and then we went for milkshakes, (the wound is on his chin, so he couldn't eat). Bless him, he was so brave!
Sweet Grammy made his favorite vegetable soup, she loves him so well!
Speaking of Grammy, here is the Thanksgiving table spread in her cozy home! We are always astonished at the amount of food that comes from that little kitchen, and filled with so much love. Capri and I weren't feeling so good, (head cold and such) so we didn't spend too much time over there, however, the games went into the night!
Well, better get going
there's snow in the forecast, (not much, but I'll take anything)....
I'd like to decorate a bit to welcome the snow!
Peace to you friends!
"When the bold branches
Bid farewell to rainbow leaves -
Welcome wool sweaters."
~B. Cybrill
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