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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

post-electoral day links

Not gonna lie, I woke up mad. 
and then I got a grip. 

Here are a few links that helped me do just so, 
and a few of my favorite status updates that have 
been bombarding my facebook feed!

This link in particular is well-written and cut to the heart, 
where true change takes place, (thank you Jeane').
"No president can take the Kingdom out of our hearts. No candidate can steal what Jesus has already won. As the Kingdom came, so will it continue – not through Empire but through radical, subversive faith. It cannot be shaken, it cannot be removed. It lives and breathes through the work of Jesus on the cross, not the position of any human on the throne." 

My friend Sarah wrote this:

"I dreamed all night long about 

politics and elections. 

No wonder I awoke with a headache.

May God give peace to those disappointed by the results, and sober joy to those delighted; 

nothing is easy 

no matter who sits in the White House."

And Janet, a talented local author posted:

"Vote for a good day for yourself today. 

Make choices to live well. 

Don't worry about what you can't control.

 Change what you can. 

Eat good food. Exercise. Reduce stress.

 Drink water. 

Deal with conflict. Don't procrastinate. 

Call a friend. Try again."

And my nephew Lance, who lives in Texas, tweeted this:

"Hey, can someone in PA make 
sure my dad hasn't driven 
his car off a cliff this morning? 
#sorrydad #election2012"

And here was my facebook update this morning, (like you care)! :)

this makes me happy, while it makes so many others sad/scared/mad/cold. kinda like the elections. today i will vote for peace in my heart, allegiance to my King first and foremost and gratitude for generations who have gone before us, proving to us that life doesn't end just because it's hard. joy is not in things, (or people), it is in us!

"glad it's over"

~adrienne neff~ 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

... and it's gonna be an even lovelier day in a few hours!! :)
Love you!