Thanks to my dear friend Kara and her constant words of encouragement to have my "very own blog", I've finally given in and joined the blogging world!! I've had a really fun and inspiring time the past few weeks looking at a lot of other people's blogs. I've found that the ones I am most fond of are the ones that have lots of pictures, just about everyday life kinda stuff! I have a feeling that it will be the same with my blog. So, without further ado: here's my most recent "found-it-by-the-side-of-the-road" find. As most of my family and friends know, I like to spot treasures in other peoples trash pile. And no, I don't go driving around town the night the trash goes out, (although I have thought about it a time or two!!). So, I find this great bike just a mile down the road with a "free" sign. Of course, my dear husband hefts it into the pickup truck and away we go. I found an old basket and chained it to the front handle bars, planted a flower and voila!! Charm with a capital "C"!! A few weeks later during my kick-butt garage sale, (more on that later) a lady walks up to me, "I think you're my cousin and that's my bike!!" So, yeah, I now own my first cousins bike!! What a hoot! Another side note: I am the youngest of over 65 cousins on ONE side, so for me to not know or recognize a first cousin is not strange in the least!
Hi Lady! I am delighted to be the first to "leave a comment!" The blog is "so Janelle like" Loved the pics!! Kiss your darling boys for me! Miss ya! Hugs--Marianne
Yeah "Shrish"!!!!!!!
Oh my Sweet Lady Friend!
This is so beautiful. Way to go Girl! When I need to get away, you will most likely find me at stoltzfusinstrasburg...a place where your heart is set free.
Can't wait to see you!
welcome my friend.
can't wait to check your blog each morning, as i do so many others.
love ya girl. excited for tomorrow.
fyi.....alot of your "links" won't take you to the site, because they don't have www at the beginning...just so you know. i tried to connect to a few blogs through your site and they are unable.
Dear lovely lady...
Yours is a 'boutique' amoung blase blogs. Everything you put your mind & heart to turns out to be so beautiful. Just like you!
Your blogless & admiring friend,
PS. You'll be glad to know that my son consumed Shadow's, well, I'll call it 'remnants' this weekend. I was so grossed out when Curt told me I wanted to gag. This life with boys certainly doesn't lack excitement.
very pretty!
Hey Janelle,
I am wondering what the name Janelle means? Do you know? You'll have to let me know sometime when you get a chance! It has to be good! You are such an inspiration and joy to be with. Your pictures make me homesick for you. I love your bike story.
I am still looking forward to one of those great massages! I still have a gift certificate from my birthday from Connie, so when your up to it let me know!
I really enjoyed your pictures.
Let freedom ring - Orpha
Hi Janelle! Thanks so much for your comment and welcome to the blogging world! I had to laugh when I saw the picture of your bike - I almost bought one very similar at a yard sale last week but unfortunately I just have a car and it wouldn't fit! So sadly I had to leave it behind.
You had asked what template I used for my blog - I just used a generic one that blogger offers and changed some of the colors around.
I look forward to reading your blog and getting to know you better! :)
Vickie introduced me to your blog this morning and I've literally fallen in love :)! Your family is beautiful and I am excited to continue reading your blog and following your happy family :)! God bless you...
I think you're thinkin of Kimberly :)! However I am a friend of vickies as well and I live in Baltimore, I'm super excited to see Vickie again she's such an inspiration! And I'll give her a random hug for you :)!
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