For the past 20 months, since Paisley's birth, I've been thinking and thinking about what I could do over her crib that would be special FOR HER. Something that was representative of our desire for her....a verse? a quote? a mural? a picture collage? I would sit in her room at night or during nap times, rock her and look at the blank wall.
And then one day it hit me as I was listening to a song by Kari Jobe called,
"My Beloved":
"My Beloved":
I rescued a long piece of old barn board torn from the carriage house that was in the *GASP* fire pit!!!! (Jake likes to throw things away. I like to keep everything)!! I painted it with a coat of ivory paint, let it dry and then rubbed some stain on it. After the stain dried I sanded it to a pleasing distressed look. 
Found a font that I liked and printed it in size 150.
Put on some music from
and went to work, (the fun stuff).
Earlier in the day I loaded up the kids and went to the local hardware store and reuzit shop....I. WAS. ON. A. MISSION!! They have the BEST selection of paint markers @ our local store.....I bought black and hot pink.
I wanted it done YESTERDAY!!!
can I get a witness???
I then spent about an hour wrestling with tissue paper.
If not for this lovely tutorial from my sweet cousin Clarita, I would have surely thrown them all in the wood stove!! They take T-I-M-E, but once you get the hang of it, it's really fun to watch them come to life before you.....and they look SO SWEET WHEN THEY ARE COMPLETED!!!

Lastly, I found some old fabric at a local reuzit shop, just small remnants that went well together, cut them into triangles, made small slits in them and threaded them with twine. Again, this tutoriall from my friend Aimee was very, very helpful AND SUPER DUPER EASY!! No sewing, which is great 'cause I don't know a thing about sewing....except I just saw A PINK SEWING MACHINE so I may or may not be taking up sewing in 2011!!!! I kid!! 

It looks exceptionally cozy at night.
"I'll take you to My quiet waters,
I'll restore your soul.
Come rest in Me and be made whole.
You're my beloved,
you're my bride.
To sing over you is My delight."
~Kari Jobe, "My Beloved"~
FAB-U-LOUS!! well done, Janelle, all the way down to the alldaypjssourcreamchip time! :)
Oh happy day - this is right up my alley!! :) It looks so CUTE!! Great job girl!
simply amazing my friend.
Just beautiful!!! No always have a way in making any wall, nook or cranny absolutely inviting, and quite meaningful!
Beautiful! The light/white in your baby room confirms that I absolutely do want that in my baby room again. With every child I've (um, Husband) has painted it the color to my liking . . . except that every time I just haven't really liked it. Maybe I'll be happy again with it's original white?! Looks so clean and fresh for both boy and girl!
Great Job, such sweet delicate little girl touches. A trick I have used when hand painting a wall quote is to print the words as a mirror image (how you would print an iron-on transfer), then take a simple white piece of chalk and color in the wording, place the paper where you want the words to be and then rub your finger all over the page to transfer the chalk onto your wall or board. lift off the paper and you can paint overtop the lettering. very easy and it takes all the worries away.
Oh Janelle...I absolutely LOVE it!!! So creative...I would love to get together and do some creating sometime...
Har har! Oh, Janelle...for some reason I just recalled being nine months pregnant and deciding to paint and distress two dressers...which were in the detached garage...and which I decided needed to come to the porch...needless to say Dustin has plenty of reason to shake his head at me and my "I have an idea-I wanna do it now!" way. You are not alone! :)
Sooooo sweet!
I ♥ Paisley's room! I have some of the same tissue flower/balls in my bedroom! Notice to you: in the summer, when that ceiling fan is turned on high and she cries to you about the scary sounds in the night-remember that it is probably the tissue paper hitting each other and making creepy noises! I wish my mom had warned me...
I think you could sell those boards...!!
Janelle, Tell me about the paint markers! I enjoy painting scripture verses on rocks and usually use paint and a brush, maybe these markers would be easier...
I have been enjoying reading your blogs!
ANdrea Smoker -King
Thank you to everyone for the kind words/comments!
Andrea~the markers are GREAT. I use them for ALL my writing-on-non-paper projects! They work especially well on painted walls.
I have found the laregest selection at True Value, (Zimmermans) in Strasburg. They may be other places too...Walmart maybe? They are $4 each and last long. You push the tip down to fill it with paint and then go for it.....a bit of a learning curve, but not much. They also just came out with FINE TIP ones....really great for fine tuning the projects.
Happy Creating!!
Thanks!!! Blessings!!! ANdrea : )
Janelle, this is DARLING!!! I Love the verse, the banner, the tissue paper balls.... Just beautiful, and it speaks such love and belonging, not only from you as a family but also from God, to your little girl! Just beautiful!!!!!
Wow, would you believe I just FOUND that song this week for some girls in my youth group who REALLY needed it. Talked them into singing it at church! And this morning God gave me THAT scripture! So I was looking for a nice picture for my blog until I finish the painting He is showing me to paint... AND.... my husband and I may be adopting a baby in August and we have been praying for guidance and wisdom. Thank you sweet-heart for being obedient- for hearing His voice. You just made my day.
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