"Where have all the years gone?"

I LOVE the ZEST for life that you have!!
And even though you and I are the most similar in personality
we get along quite well, (for the most part)! I feel like I'm truly getting to know you, to hold long conversations with you, to talk about your feelings and thoughts and opinions. I like the way you think. You hold such a close place in my heart~my first baby! You made me fall in love with being a Mommy. Sometimes when we are holding hands I can't believe how big they feel inside mine. I know that in no time at all your hands will be bigger then mine. I think it's precious how you like to hold your hand to mine, palm to palm, while you marvel at your growth. "I'm growing super fast Mom!" Yes, indeed you are. I'm dragging my feet buddy.
And it's been so amazing watching you grow into a wonderful big brother! Luke loves you so much and misses you when you are apart even for 30 minutes! You lead him on adventures he would have otherwise never found, in the "jungle" and along the Thomas train tracks. I pray that the two of you will be best friends for life....putting each other before yourself.
And your sister adores you and smiles and coos at you unlike ANY of us!!
You love her so well and you're showing her how a lady is meant to be treated. You grew up a lot this year and you were SO BRAVE during your stay at the hospital
when you had a staph infection. We treasured those days with you....just you and Dad and Mom and the healing journey! You took it all in stride and reminded us again that it's the LITTLE THINGS about life that bring true joy!
I'm SO EXCITED to watch all that you will learn this next year.
I count it JOY to be called YOUR MOM! We were made for each other you know!
You're a whole hand-full now!!
"Children are the living messages
we send to a time we will not see."
~Neil Postman~
P.s. I'm really sorry for dressing you like a reindeer on your first Christmas.
Won't happen again, promise!!!
still remember holding him only a few days after his dear birth and how happy you both were. the little home in goodville was filled with joy & peace and lots of contentment!
happy day tyler.
Happy Birthday Tyler!!!
So sad we can't be there with you!!
Happy Birthday Tyler!!!!
Have a great day! I love you!
We had fun celebrating with you alllll day, 'Guy"! We love you very much and think that you are AWESOME!!
Love, Aunt Shrish
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