So I wanted a different color in our laundry room.
Something CHEERFUL to help take away the "laundry" blues!
and THIS is what happened!!!
Got a little bit BRIGHTER then I had first wanted!
It matched my fabric softener just it was a keeper!
And Jake was so sweet, "if you like it honey!" Seriously. So nice of him!
It matched my fabric softener just it was a keeper!
And Jake was so sweet, "if you like it honey!" Seriously. So nice of him!
I love it, in all it's CRAZINESS & BOLDNESS! Took me a bit to get use to though!
And especially now with a landscape of white snow outside,
it's so inviting and warm!

our shoe system for the kiddos.
our shoe system for the adultos. 

if you HAVE to do something,

A lovely print by my incredibly talented cousin Freiman Stoltzfus.
THANKS for stopping by.....
And especially now with a landscape of white snow outside,
it's so inviting and warm!
i love tablecloths.
all sorts of lovely, bright, vintage tablecloths.
our shoe system for the kiddos.
that bin was from target.
the cool mint trashcan $1 from our neighbors garage sale.
plastic picture frames from the dollar store!
i didn't want glass ones hanging up that high.
i don't think they look too "cheap" when grouped together like this!
one of my favorite walls in the house!
but since I was going with a beach colored theme,
I decided to just paint the floor a sand color,
(plus, the kids were in Vacation Bible School every night that week--SCORE)!!
I decided to just paint the floor a sand color,
(plus, the kids were in Vacation Bible School every night that week--SCORE)!!
garden hats.
garden gloves.
ALL these curtains for the SIX windows.....
PLUS, ones to go in the kitchen too!
Love it...!! :))
i love it janelle!
love the picture wall! =) fun memories of a warm summer night!
& i also appreciate how organized you are w/out many closets...that is my constant struggle. i can get so frustrated in my old house. i need to learn from you.
the color is great too! there are so many windows & doors to break it the brightness is just right in that room.
Love it!!!! Wish I were taking my boots off and joining you inside!
Tell us about this second!!! chandelier in the laundry room!!!!!!! (First in the kitchen!) I'm needing two for our new redo in the master!
Love you!
you make me chuckle. you are one of the only people (perhaps aimee too) who can post nearly a thousand photo's of a laundry room and make it look like a spa get-away. seriously.
love it.
so real, so peaceful, so warm, so fresh.
A chandie in the laundry room! LOVE!!! Looking forward to seeing you again in a couple weeks! :)
Ahh, John Denver.... takes me 'home'!
Fresh, fun, colorful, inviting, welcoming, soothing, crisp, comfortable, beachy, homey, bold, practical, whimsical, delightful. Hmmm...sounds like someone I know!
You had me at John Denver. This is one of my favorite songs -- and I never hear it anywhere. Thanks!
Love the laundry room.
I'll be back!
THANKS SO MUCH FRIENDS for taking the time to say a little something!
Vickie~xoxo. the "chandie" in the laundry room is from Habitat for Humanity! Can you even handle it?? I bought it many years ago when we were first married.....and then one year found another one just like it at a garage sale, so one is above our bed and one is above our washer!!
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