Earlier this week my dear, dear friend
Jeane treated me to a few priceless hours of girl time to commemorate my 29th birthday!! She took me to the
Hershey Pantry for a most delicious breakfast.

I had some of the best orange juice I've ever tasted, served in a chilled glass I might add. We ate cinnamon french toast, with fresh fruit, a lovely bacon and egg sandwich served on sun-dried tomato bread and of course, we had several cups of HOT coffee, (with flavored creamer)! I am eternally thankful when I get to a.) sit down, b.) eat food that was prepared for me and c.) drink HOT coffee, (as opposed to reheating it because someone needed something and I had to put my coffee cup down only to return to it 15 minutes later).

Most of all, I am eternally thankful for the company in which I partook of all these wonderful things. I assure you, there is not a quiet SECOND with us, (not counting when our mouths are full). We laugh A LOT. Even on the way to breakfast I was laughing so hard my stomach was hurting. After breakfast, Jeane gave me one of the most thoughtful gifts. A beautiful book called, "A friendship book" in which 24 writers talk about what friendship means to them. Shakespeare, Bronte, Dickens...etc. She also framed a recent picture of Jake and I in an adorable shabby chic frame and lastly, she ordered personalized "calling cards" for me, note paper with my name on top and return address labels. They are BEAUTIFUL.

Thank you Jeane, for being such a kindred spirit to me. Lets be friends forever
...."A friendship can weather most things and thrive in thin soil--but it needs a little mulch of letters and phone calls and small silly presents every so often--just to save it from drying out completely." ~Pam Brown
you are a fabulous friend to many and deserve every minute of sweetness that comes your way.
be blessed my friend.
Oh, Janelle!
What a fun morning!! It's 9pm and I only got to my computer now. I enjoyed the pictures and appreciate your words!!!
We'll have to do it again...I think my coffee cup is still in the microwave from being reheated around 9:30 this morning. :)
Much love,
I totally echo what Kara said....
I am so glad to see a picture of Jeane', I had read her blog one time and saw her post about "big" hair and I was very curious to see what her hair was like now-
You truly are a blessing- God's grace is heavy on you my friend....
Ahh....I remember your friend, Jeane, I think...I recognized the frame-then remembered someone buying it for a friend! How sweet! Your home is blessed with a covering of grace...'tis obvious from the heart of the resident girl in the house! Those boys are blessed!!!
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