Last month my dear friend Esther came for a visit from Holland. It was SO WONDERFUL to be together with her again, to sit and chat for hours at a time. I had the privilege of introducing her to Lancaster's Central Market, the oldest continually operating market space in America -- it has records that date to 1742!!! Needless to say, the history is quite amazing. We spend some time meandering through the ageless aisles, purchasing a few home baked goodies.

After our time at Central Market, we headed over to Prince Street Cafe for a delicious lunch. The boys did so well and Tyler sat w/ us at the big table eating his good ol' scrambled egg!

Lastly, we stopped at my cousin
Freiman's art gallery. Unfortunately, for us, he was in Paris, France at the time, but we enjoyed his amazing artwork nonetheless. If you have the time, please do check out his website. Here is only one beautiful example of his work:

Thank you Esther for taking the time to spend the day with me and my boys. We had a delightful time with you and anticipate your next visit to America! I love you!!
"Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes is certain for those who are friends."--Richard Bach

Esther took this picture of Tyler....come on, how big is he getting??? So sweet!
I thought that looked like Esther! How in the world is she doing? Do you guys still keep in touch a lot, and what's new with her? What a great place to take her! I LOVE downtown Lancaster. Have you ever gone to Mamamia? It's a vintagey shop i think on Queen Street. Love it there too. Check it out sometime.
Tyler looks *chust* like his daddy.
Oh Mah Vord!
Wait?!?! Freiman is your cousin?!?!?! okay...Lancaster County is too small!!! I would not have put that together! I love his painting...oh, and that would mean Grace is your cousin, too. And, now that I think about it, your "presence" is very similar. Her name suits her. Interesting..small world!
I love your blog, it makes my heart feel so warm and fuzzy, thanks so much for sharing!
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