had a great garage sale....now i get to buy a new camera!
any suggestions? not too expensive, small, compact, at least 7 mega pixels and possibly even pink!!! i'm super excited because we'll be making a trip to Canada this next weekend to visit Jake's brother and his wife that manage an amazing horse farm called
Wing Berry Farm.....so many great pics await!!
ok, I don't have any reocmendations yet, I just bought a used Nikon D60 DSLR that I absolutely LOVE!!!!
but I'll ask aroung for ya....
Hmmm...We recently bought a Canon Powershot and love the way our pictures turn out. Now, if we had tons of moola to spend on a camera, I would have bought a digital SLR camera. Here's to dreamin'! :o)
Also, Circuit City tends to have great deals, so I'd check them out. We bought ours on eBay, but that was after extensive research b/c you can easily buy something that's outdated or refurbished and not be happy. :o)
Ok, so I emailed my fabulous photographers friends and one of them got back to me-
Her recomendations are:
Cannon S-series-but its not very compact
CannonPowershot A590 compact(which is the same one that bess recomends), 8 megapixels and around $115...she said it gets great reviews at am@zon...
hope that helps!
Cannon Powershot!!!! Fits all your criteria and the new ones are 8 mega-thingys. Pixels. :)
Have fun!
I have a friend who has a Canon Powershot S10. She loves it! I recently found a site www.ivoryhut.wordpress.com and she takes all of her amazing pics with an S5. She takes amazing macro shots too which were featured on ThePioneerWoman.com recently. It's in the photography section if you want to check it out. Hope this helps.
J.Have you considered a POLAROID!? I don't know about there pixel count but if you want pink why Zimmermans would "probly"have it in a spray can.OK ummhummBYE!!-Ikenyoummasfifthchowwed:)
i always recommend cannon over sony when it comes to compact cameras.
According to David Pogue of the NYTimes, "The number of megapixels does not determine a camera’s picture quality; that’s a marketing myth. The sensor size is far more important. (Use Google to find it. For example, search for “sensor size Nikon D90.”)"
Happy buying.
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