I hope you find yourself being loved today! Happy Valentine's Day to all my friends out there!
X's symbolize kisses because in ancient days, when few people knew how to write, they would simply sign an X to show their agreement, then kiss the mark to emphasize their sincerity. Who knew??
I'm to "be ready to leave at 5:30!" Oh, what fun! I can honestly tell you that I would be fine just going to McDonald's with this man! Just some one-on-one time together, alone does wonders! It's been one of those weeks, between all four of us those little sick bugs had quite the feast! We're all feeling better and so grateful for that. I'm ready to catch up on my sleep again. An entire week with nights full of interrupted sleep wears me out. I think it's different when there's a newborn involved because you're somewhat prepared for/expect it and there's grace and strength for that season. I experienced lots of grace this week too, despite my weary self, I enjoyed just staying inside with my boys and helping them feel better. A few days of lounging around in pj's will do the trick!

Happy Valentine's Day! Thank you for all the love that you show to others...especially me and my fam! We love you and ask the Lord to bless you, and your home, with an abundance of true love!
love you, sister! Happy Valentines. i am typing one handed. little guy still isn't feeling good so he's sleeping in my arms. true love:)
hope your evening was fun!
we just got back from "fireside"...
a lovely time indeed.
thanks for the valentines treat
for chase this morning...
you and tyler are so thoughtful!
i love you, shrish
happy valentines day auntie!! and my other aunties too :)
i love you guys a lot.
Hope you had a fun Valentines! We spent the evening organizing our kitchen pantry!! HA! But don't worry, we are going out next Saturday night. :)
You look so beautiful in the picture - makes me anxious for summertime! :)
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