OK, so everyone needs to buy this new
all purpose cleaner that my friend Chrisy introduced me to! THANK YOU!!! I am HOOKED! I got mine at Target, (3 for $8 right now for those in the Lancaster area). Lots of yummy fragrances, but this is my favorite: french lavender. I'm telling you, it's the BEST and I would know. I've been cleaning since age 10, professionally since age 13, (my parents have had a cleaning business for 20 + years). It goes from mirrors to floors with ease, no streaks and cleans beautifully, smelling great along the way! As of today, my kitchen has been cleaned from top to bottom, every knob I could get my hands on! Our bathroom shines and smells delightful, (for now)! Seriously, go buy some and let me know what you think!

Onto what I affectionately like to call "pile disease." This is where you have various corners of your home that seem to inevitably collect piles of papers and such on a weekly, if not daily, basis. No matter how often you clean these piles, they reappear with a gleam in their eye and stare you down until you attack them! It's so annoying and I just need to know that I'm not the only one trying to keep up after them! Sometimes I just want to toss them all away, just grab the huge blue "waste management" trash bin, roll it into my kitchen and carelessly toss, BUT, there are important things in there, maybe just one piece of paper, but it's there. Sure enough, not twelve hours post-tossing, I would NEEEEED to have one of those papers that I did without for the past three weeks! So, my friends, am I alone? If I am, please, all you organized people out there, send me your tips!!!
Off to watch Oprah and eat a few snacks
without beggars!! Jake took the boys to his shop with him this afternoon to run wild and play with tools! Gotta love it!!
"Housework is something you do
that nobody notices until you don't do it."
~Author Unknown
we don't collect too many piles around our house, i hate clutter and piles of stuff. but i must give credit where credit is due, clark had an idea years ago and i think it has helped with keeping the piles to a minimum. we have three ring binders (one for vacations, recipes, crafts, etc.) and when we see an article or something we pull it and put it in our binder, instead of collecting numerous papers and magazines. that has been helpful in keeping things organized. that has helped up greatly in keeping miscellaneous papers and articles organized. try it.
ps - have also heard the cleaner is great. i think my sis in law uses it.
Hi there "Lady of the House" I've been using that Method cleaner for over a year and I totally LOVE it too. They come out with "seasonal" fragrances too over the Christmas holiday. I'm still using that one!
I also know all about those "piles" they are like rabbits and reproduce like wildfire if you don't watch it.
I made little girl matching aprons to go with all the mommy aprons I made you ladies and I know you have two boys but I sewed in faith that this next one will be a girl and if not, well you'll have beautiful granddaughters someday that you can make precious memories with or maybe the next pregnancy will be a girl :) So your little apron is hanging in my kitchen ready to be delivered.
Oh, dear, Janelle. With the pregnancy and all I was fearing a post about, well, the OTHER kind of piles :)
Dana, you're amazing!! i can't wait to see that little apron! my neices can wear it when they come if nothing else! oh, i wonder what will come out of me!??
seasonal fragrance? love that!!
Kara, I'm totally going to do that 3 ring binder thing! That seems to be what piles up: craft ideas, magazine clippings, receipes, etc. THANK YOU AND THANK YOU CLARK!
You are so funny and totally reminding me of myself only a few short months ago! You really are "Nesting"! :) I still have your clothes in the back of my car waiting to be dropped off to you!
Oh, Janelle, I hear you!!! We have pile disease here as well, and many times I just want to do exactly what you said: trash it ALL! The little things (batteries sitting on my night stand for 2 months, or bobby pins on the bureau) are just getting to me lately. Actually, we just put our house on the market, so today is my day to go room to room, put the "clutter" in a bin, and sort it all out at the same time. I'm expecting to feel accomplished and free afterward...I'll let you know how that goes. :)
Excited to see you soon!!
I love Method cleaner it is great!! and green too! I HATE piles of papers. I have a small table top three file sitting on my desk and everything either ends up there or in the shredder. I just got it Target... but it works with bills, papers you need, and other stuff. Also acording files work great!
so curious to see what you've found at the sale!!! I, of course, am sitting in a very quiet shop...NOT at the sale!!! Thanks for letting me know...hope it was worth your while!
i too LOVE all things METHOD!! Below is my favorite blog...she has been doing lots of organizing post since the beginning of the yr. you may have to look back-but i have gained lots of great ideas from her!
I use that stuff too. For Christmas they have Christmas-y smells.
BTW I really enjoy your blog!
Sorry no advice on organization...I have come to realize that the organized person I thought I was....has flown the coop.....children, school, work ahhhh...too much stuff! Although I am slowly purchasing the Pottery Barn hanging organizing system and hoping it well help!
love ya, carm
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