WOW! What happened to the last 8 months? Time is just FLYING BY!! Soon this little one will join us on the outside! I've been getting things prepared on the home front. Found a great vintage bassinet on
craigslist, just what I was looking for. I've laundered all the little newborn girl and boy clothing I have. I purchased the tiny diapers, always amazes how little our butts start out!! Baby doesn't have much room to move anymore, she/he is over 18 inches long and weighs about 5 pounds, (pick up a honeydew melon)!! Because it's so snug in there the movement has lessened, but it's still pretty scheduled which is fascinating to me. She seems to have a favorite position, which my midwife did mention most babies have, even while inside the womb. Last night Baby had hiccups most of the night which was cute at first and then slightly annoying as I tried to fall asleep with a constant knocking on my belly. Jake reached his hand over and felt it for a few minutes as well. Most of Baby's physical development is now complete — we'll both just spend the next few weeks putting on weight!

I'm feeling really good and sooooo grateful to be saying so. Last month was rough with all the sickness throughout our home. I can handle being pregnant and a busy Mom just fine, it's the being sick on top of it all....that's hard living. I will say that my compassion and awareness toward those that are chronically ill has really increased. I cannot imagine being sick everyday and still having to keep on living....and trying to do it with grace, patience, kindness and stamina!!

We took a few family pictures at church on Sunday. The boys looked so cute in their little outfits and my husband looked quite handsome as well!! And I actually DID something to my hair as opposed to the regular brush and go!

Tyler talks often about how I will "puuuuush and the baby will POP out",
yes, okay, sounds good to me!

I had a dream last night that the baby was born on May 9th, my due date is the 2nd,
so we'll see what happens. And for all of you who don't believe me, (Kara & Shar!!)
we seriously DON'T know what we're having! It's so exciting waiting for this surprise. I get happy thoughts thinking about having a boy OR a girl! I am so grateful to have this little one inside me, active, growing and healthy as of now. I know that there are so many women, (some even reading now) that have had or are having very difficult pregnancies, some who are mourning the death of a baby, a dream, some who are holding out hope, some who are longing, praying that all will go well with the remainder of their pregnancy and some who are adjusting to life with a newborn on the outside or the fact that they have a baby growing inside!
Today I am grateful to be where I am and yet trusting that the same God Who has been my Shield and Refuge will be with me, beside me wherever this life & journey may lead.
"There is no great achievement
that is not the result of patient working and waiting."
~J.G. Holland~
Aww - Janelle - you look LOVELY!! I can't believe you only have 5 weeks to go. I hope you can sleep well these last couple weeks. Excited to see what this 'she' ends up to be. Wouldn't it be fun to have 2 little girls together?
Have a great weekend - Mj
Hi guys!! I miss, miss, miss you all... We are having so much fun here in the sunny south, but I am ready to see "my guys" and my "shrish's"!
I love you! see you in a few days...
I want you to know that I am eagerly looking forward to the special little gift God is about to give you. Whether little boy or girl, I do know it will be very fortuate to be born into your home. You look beautiful pregnant!
You look absolutely beautiful, Janelle! Just wonderful for being so close to delivery, and you just glow!
I still haven't done a thing with baby clothes and room, so you inspire me to get everything together and organized and washed and ready!
Hope everything goes well for you these last few weeks! Can't wait to hear the news!!:)
Hey thanks for the encouragement you left on my blog! You look great for being almost due! Enjoy the last few weeks of being pregnant and blessings on your birth! It is such a miracle...I am amazed every time!:)
Have a great day!
Heather Buckwalter
that's right Tyler...you tell your mom to puuuuush that baby out...right out of her belly button (that's how moriah thought babys are born...hmmm...i just left her think that way)....jo
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