What a beautiful time at Ocean City!!! Earlier this month some of my dear friends and I journeyed down to the sea....and it was TOTALLY worth all the "work" to get away! Not much compares to those refreshing moments with those that you feel completely at ease with.

We did a lot of sitting around.....a lot of talking and laughing and painting of toenails. A lot of eating and watching movies and walking. A lot of dying of the hair, laughing at cards at CVS, magazine reading. Just a lot of exactly what we wanted to do. I had some precious time alone with my favorite daughter. We took a long, hot, deep bath together. It was peaceful.

Jena was our drink maker! This was a delicious something or another with ice cream and whip cream and all things wonderfully smooth! I have so many wonderful memories at the beach with this gal, Kara! We've been visiting the ocean together for over a decade!!! And I hope that many, many decades from now we will be doing the same!

this picture says it all......

My forever friends, Jena and Nellie.

Paisley got lots of love and tenderness this weekend. She continues to bring such an abundance of JOY to my life and heart! I've never met a more "smiley" baby!!!!

Thank you to the Bare family for allowing us to stay at your lovely home. I were refreshed and renewed....something that the ocean does to me without even trying.

I am so deeply grateful for my friends.
" A friend is one to whom one may pour out all the contents of one's heart,
chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away." ~Arabian Proverb~
oh, friend, love ya!
Thanks for letting me love on you and your baby girl!
What a joy for me :)
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