You just use cake mix and instead of putting it in a pan, you place it in ice cream cones and bake it! It's so neat! And FUN to decorate too. As you can see, we had some fun! Thanks Sami~~you're special to me!

Gettin' creative!

The finished product! I placed two cake plates on top of each other and arranged the cones all around.
It was a colorful party, with lots of candy and rainbow fishes....Luke's "cake" was made from four little brownies, each one had a letter of his name, it turned out pretty neat. (and those are candles in the shape of crayons!)

Luke loved his special treat.
He wasn't so sure at first,
but as time went on he and the cone

Here he is opening the gift from Grandpa & Grandma Beiler and Grammie Stoltzfus....
an adorable little red wooden barn w/ LOTS of animals! So sweet!
Trying to get a picture w/ Luke and his Grandparents.....not working! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUKE THOMAS! WE LOVE YOU!!
Happy Birthday Lukey! You were a precious boy on your first minute of life (ok.... fourth :) ) and you're a precious boy on your first birthday! Happy day!
Love to the family Stoltzfus -- Maribeth :)
is that not the awesomest midwife EVER!!!?? LOVE this lady, she delivered both my boys....so does that mean I get first dibs on her for future babies? (not a hint or anything!!)
What a fun, fun day Luke-e-Luke!! Thanks for inviting us to share it with you.... we are so glad you were born. Love, Aunt Shrish
Is that the sweater that Jackson wore? Sooo Cute!!
YES!! thanks for passing it along! It's such a good color for olive skin tones!
Hey girl! I have loved perusing your blog and am sooooooo grateful for you turning me onto Kari Jobe's "The More I Seek You" -- ohMYgoodness I have listened to that over and over and over and over and..... yeah, you get it :) YES you have dibs on me - we'll make it happen (unless I'm in uh, Ephrata :) So, get busy procreating! :) Well, at least I get to see Vonni now!
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