A motorcycle and a pickup truck collided Tuesday night at a Penn Township intersection, killing the cyclist, investigators said. John Robert Bruckhart of Manheim was pronounced dead at the scene of the crash, which occurred about 7:15 p.m. at Route 72 and Mount Hope Road, police said. Bruckhart, of the 400 block of Doe Run Road, tried to avoid the collision as the pickup truck pulled into his path, investigators said. Bruckhart, 55, flew off the cycle and into the driver's-side door of the Ford pickup truck, Penn Township police Cpl. Rodney King said.
Medics tried to revive Bruckhart, but he died at the scene, police said. Lancaster County deputy coroner Patrick Glen pronounced the cyclist dead. Police were still at the scene late Tuesday night reconstructing the events that led to the crash. Bruckhart's Kawasaki was still pinned under the red pickup truck as investigators took photos of the intersection and the wreckage.
Bruckhart was traveling north on Route 72 when he approached Mount Hope Road, King said. Anthony Loser, 40, of Manheim, was stopped in his Ford F-150 pickup truck on Mount Hope Road, police said. Loser started to turn left onto Route 72, and Bruckhart was in a slight left curve leading to the intersection.
Bruckhart laid the bike on its side but couldn't avoid the impact with the pickup truck.
Loser wasn't hurt, police said. A stretch of Route 72 near the crash scene was closed for more than three hours. Penryn firefighters and a Manheim Ambulance crew assisted police. A med-evac helicopter was dispatched to the scene, but Bruckhart died while the helicopter was en route, officials said.
my heart aches. all morning i've been thinking how life just goes on for the rest of the world, even me, and they are in the midst of utter pain & grief. it's absolutely horrible and unimaginable.
i'm glad we were able to support mindi during such a horrific time.
I too have been thinking of them all day today and my heart goes out to them full of tears. You wrote a very precious paragraph of the family and I appreciate your compassion in writing.
We will continue praying.
Thanks for posting this...If any of the "girls" want to provide a freezer meal, I'm sure the Bruckharts (Jared and Mindi) would appreciate that...as part of their small group from ECC, I hope we can fill their freezer with meals b/c of all the upcoming events...funeral and wedding...they will probably be running in many different directions...and the "girls" can join in as well...questions...give me a call...love much, jo 687-6229.
my dad is around his age and rides motorcycle. It could just have had easily been me. I am so, so sorry to hear this news, even though I do not know this family. Wow.
Thank you, Janelle, for the sweet card I received in the mail from you the other day. In all your busy-ness, you took time to drop my a handwritten note! Not a suprise coming from you, but still always such a treat!
I'm doing my best to be patient and enjoy these days with just Christopher and Annie! And I am!
I hope you have a RESTFUL and RELAXING and REJUVANATING (nice alliteration, isn't it?) time in Florida...if you have email, check it, as you would certainly be included in any announcement that needs to be made~
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