"We're all going to wear red, white and blue today Tyler because it's America's birthday!" "Oh, is that your cousin?"
. He cracks me up!

We had a great time together over July 4
th. Friday night we all went out to eat at a local "Amish home cooked food" restaurant and did some touristy things...namely playing in a parked buggy at a "ride the buggy" place.

It was so funny....just picturing what it would be like if we were an Amish family. I can imagine a lot of good
conversation/naps could take place with the constant
clipidy-clop of the horse. We had a fun time until we totally got yelled at. We thought it was for people to "play" on....apparently we were wrong and were added to the "those dumb tourists" list! I laughed and felt kinda bad about it....but not really!

On Saturday Jake went to the
Phillies game with some friends so the kids and I had some time to ourselves....wait, we do that everyday!!! No, seriously, we did have fun. We hung out around home and ate ice cream! Our neighbor came over with her little girl and we had some good times together. Sunday was a great day....we went to church, came home and took long naps and then Jake fixed up our "new" bikes! He's amazing. Takes nothing and makes it into something!

We found them alongside the road, his was free and mine was $10. It's SO CUTE....just needs a basket and a bell thingy yet....you know, the kind that sounds like "
tra-ring" when you flip it with your thumb. I'm serious, I've been riding this thing around every chance I get....I'll post more pictures of me with it later on. We loaded up all our gear and headed to the local Costco parking lot. I had heard that you could see the local fireworks from a distance so we took the chance. The boys rode their new birthday gift Hummer, (more on that later) around the giant empty parking lot and Jake and I rode our bikes!!

Paisley was sleeping peacefully in her seat so I rode to the McDonald's across the street and went
thru the drive-
thru with my bike. I felt like I was 12 years old again....and loved every minute of it. I waited there for 5
minutes to say my order, but I guess I wasn't heavy enough to alert the lady of my presence. So, I petaled around to the window, got some stares, a few laughs and placed my order! It was GREAT!!!

I emptied my new
Cath Kidston purse and it worked just great for my food carrier!

My dear cousin
Shar just returned from visiting family in England and brought home some DELIGHTFUL things from the
Cath outlet! LOVE THEM!!!! She's one of my favorite, if not my favorite designer. See more
here and
here. Thank you
Shar! Thank you so much!!
We ate our picnic and watched fireworks in the distance. The boys were a bit distracted and I think they watched the fireworks for .9 seconds....but it was still fun just BEING TOGETHER. Paisley-girl slept the entire time. 
All in all we had a great weekend together. I love my family so much!
Hi lovely sister! Great post.I got a big laugh out of the buggy story...stupid tourists!!:)See you later-Tom B. P.S.per our last conversation,things are improving!!!!:)
You always find a way to make me laugh! :) I will miss you, Paisley, and the boys so much next week....give them all a daily hug from me. Love you all! Shrish
( talked to Mom, she loves what you and Von did :)
Hey Janelle. I found your blog thru Ang's...Just wanted to say, I enjoy checking in every once in awhile... Love your style, stories, and pictures of your beautiful family! Take care. missy king.
yes! you did see us walking for ice cream! the boys were out so we thought we'd do a little re-connecting at teh Creamery! I've only been back for a day and a half, so we were in need of some mommy time. Sorry we didn't get to see that precious girl sleeping!!! Thanks for the invite...we're heading to dinner tonight, but sounds like FUN! hope to see you soon!
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