A few weeks ago, we spent our Sunday afternoon here:

A lovely little place South of here called the Pinnacle....

we hiked the trails and let the boys run wild.....a necessity for all of us! I love this picture, Tyler's feet aren't even hitting the ground....he's LEAPING through life!! That's my boy.....

and here's my other boy....grounded. controlled.inquisitive.

Man, I love these boys.....

and this one too....

we watched the sunset and i held my breath as the boys climbed out onto a ledge/huge cliff with their Daddy...they threw rocks into the river 100 feet down....no pictures of that....i just clung to Paisley and prayed!

then we came home and my girl feel asleep before her dinner.
she. is. so. sweet.
and kissable.
and snugglable.
and huggable.
and growing too fast.
and i think she's going to keep her blue eyes
oh, and she can cry LOUD!
you should really watch the sunset sometime soon....i had forgotten how majestic it is.
Life is too short to forget how the sunsets look.....
I saw the picture of Paisley sleeping and I got warm fuzzies and said to myself: "Awww...I'm going to have one of those..."("those" meaning an adorable, chubby, contented, healthy baby - she looks beautiful!).
okay craziness!! a few weeks ago on a sunday evening WE were at Pinnacle..we got a little lost getting there, so we only hung out for about 15-20 minutes till i instisted that we leave cause i was afraid that we'd get locked in there since they close the gate at dusk! i wonder if it was the same night?? so beautiful!!!
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