1. Pick up the nearest book of at least 123 pages.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the 5th sentence.
4. Post the next 3 sentences.
5. Tag 5 more people
Okay, I'm game. I like these sorts of things, so here goes...
"Utterly abandoned to the will of God;
seeking for no other path than my Master trod;
leaving ease and pleasure, making Him my choice,
waiting for His guidance, listening for His voice.
Utterly abandoned! No will of my own;
for time and for eternity, His, and His alone;
all my plans and purposes lost in His sweet will,
having nothing, yet in Him all things possessing still."
~"Streams in the Dessert...um, I mean Desert" by Chas E. Cowman~
This is exactly what my book looks like, its worn, torn and loved well. I found it at a garage sale and the name of the original owner is beautifully written in the front: "Ruth Eckert, University Park, Iowa."
I'll have to do this for sure - what fun!!
Happy Valentines Day - hope your day is special (I'm sure you make it fun)! Thanks for being a friend!
Love Mj <3
i had to try this, so i thought i would start with you. the nearest book was a literature anthology from semesters past. the author was matthew arnold, circa 1850. page 123, 5th line - "That is as much as saying that whoever sets himself to see things as they really are will find himself one of a very small circle; but it is only for the small circle resolutely doing its own work that adequate ideas will ever get current at all."
oh our classic favorite "streams in the desert"!!! i love this devotional & always think of you when i read it cause i know that your soul has been blessed by it to!
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