Last weekend we went to see a dear friend of mine, Chrisy. She and her husband have a ministry called "
Holyfire". CHECK IT OUT!!! They are an incredible worship band that travels to college campuses, youth retreats, and international churches sending out a message of redemption, rededication and renewal! To quote a part of their mission:
"We believe that we are part of a broken and lost generation. All around us millions of people are living and dying without hope, purpose or meaning. People are crying out for something real, and the cry of the world can only be met by the transforming power of Jesus Christ!!" AMEN!! Chrisy and I met in 2000 when we both did our DTS, (Discipleship Training School) at Youth With a Mission in Monroe, NC. We clicked immediately!

We continue to cultivate our friendship even though she lives in New Haven, CT. We take turns visiting one another and over time our husbands have become friends as well. I am ashamed to say that this was the first time we've seen them in concert!! OH MY WORD, IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!

They are so talented, passionate, focused, fun, blessed...anointed. If you're looking for a rockin' CD to give, (or have for yourself) this is definitely the one! If your husband likes to rock out then this is for sure for him! And if you like to rock out, then by all means, TURN IT UP!! What a great night we had. We enjoyed dinner together and then spent the next few hours worshipping our God alongside them!

Justin & Chrisy, (and precious Gabe) We love you guys so much! Thanks for being a part of our lives, raising sons beside us and encouraging us in our faith journey! SEE YOU SOON!!
"The purpose of Christianity is not to avoid difficulty,
but to produce a character adequate to meet it when it comes.
It does not make life easy;
rather it tries to make us great enough for life."
~James L. Christensen
I absolutely love this quote, and I know how much the truth of it means to both of us.
Luv ya girl!
ps- I have been meaning to call and invite you guys over for supper... lets' do it!
In fact, I think I might steal the quote....
Your new header photo and this weather makes me LONG for springtime!!
BTW, you've been tagged (visit my blog)!
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