I spent some time perusing the pages of pottery barn this morning, (and being shocked into total dismay that people would actually buy this stuff for the price they are asking)!! I'm spoiled by having a pottery barn outlet less then 5 minutes from here.
I came upon this picture and just had to stop and stare and imagine the delicious sleep one could have in this bed. I'd like to save my nickles for this set!

I have this quote beside our bed, pretty much sums it up:
"What a happy and holy fashion it is
that those who love one another
should rest on the same pillow."
~Nathaniel Hawthorne
SUMMERTIME!! This picture is delightful - I could dive right in!
Ps - Did you get my invite for the jewelry party tonight? Don't feel obligated, but feel free to come and socialize!
"Cancun", take me away!! :-)
hawaii here i come. i sure hope it looks something like this.
Looks beautiful!
PB is totally overpriced but fun to look at just the same.
Makes me wanna go on vacation! Have you started yardsaleing yet??
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