This picture was taken the night before he was born! That was quite the handy tray!
Here is Tyler playing in the birthing pool before Luke was born.
I was praying, "I speak life to you in the name of Jesus," and calling out to Jake, "pray, honey, pray." Of course, Jake, the ever calm man that he is kept saying, "he's fine, honey, he's breathing." I think I was in such dismay that he was born and no one was here, I couldn't relax and truly believe that all was well!! About 4 minutes later the midwife got here. (Later she told us she was going to stop to get something to eat, but had a feeling she should get here!!) Oh my word! We were so thankful that we had a safe delivery here at home, even though it turned out to be a little bit MORE of an adventure then I had bargained for!!
"In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind." Job 12:10
Here Tyler is meeting his baby brother for the first time.
Luke's personality is started to blossom and it's so fun watching him become HIM! He laughs hysterically at Tyler and likes to tease him as well. This morning Jake and I were talking about the boys and how their births hold such similarities to their personality. For Luke, he just held back for a bit, (he was a week late) and when he decided he was good and ready, HE CAME...READY OR NOT!!!! He knows what he wants and when he wants it and you are sure to hear about it. He loves his Mama, loves to snuggle close and read books until he's had enough....and then, that's it...onto something more exciting. He won't sit in front of a video for anything, too much to do and see. He LOVES to eat. Most days I can safely say he eats more then Tyler!! He will pounce on you if you are lying on the ground. He will give you a kiss if you beg long enough! I anticipate watching his personality come to life even more in this next year!

I"ll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be."
~Robert Munsch~
Your birthing story sounds like one Curt would LOVE for me to have!! The one in which the husband is the hero and the baby's birth is witnessed by only the parents! :) I love reading it, but I think I'm too much of a wimp to wish it upon myself! One thing is for sure, all the effort and prayers were worth it. He is one precious and adorable little guy.
Love, Jeane`
how adorable is that little man. i love the little jacket & tie. too sweet. i just want to squeeze him.
hope to see you this week.
love my friend.
Love it!!!!...and he's such a cutie...thanks again for the invite friday nite...jon didn't get home from work/house until about 8pm...arggg...but please try again...i was rather days get long when my hubby works late (which is normal these days and i'm sure you can relate) ya, jo
Holy smokes that first year did go fast! More fun is just ahead.
Happy Birthday,Luke-e-Luke...
Aunt Shrish loves you!!
Happy Birthday to your sweet boy! :)
hey friend-
I will never forget being in Vietnam and talking to Sheldon over internet phone one morning(evening his time) and him telling me that Jake delivered the baby(Luke) but Sheldon didn't have ANY DETAILS!!!
I immediately emailed Jan and she graciously filled me in. I remember being amazed, but not at all suprised that you two could pull that off!
I do want to point out -- I was THERE when Tyler was born, but all I was DOING was taking pictures :) :) And something tells me that's all I'll be doing this time too :)
Hey -- my first post got lost?? Try again...
I think we set up that direct line Jenelle :)
And... I ADORE the picture of you and brand-shiny-new Lukey in the tub. You look so raw - open - happy - vulnerable - awed - humbled - joyous - surprised. It's just EVERYTHING about natural birth :)
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