It started off with delicious homemade waffles and fresh strawberries. Then we lounged around home and everyone took long naps, (whoo-hoo)!! We walked to the elementary school and the boys played and played on the outdoor equipment. Luke LOVED the slide and would just giggle all the way down. We played a little basketball together...Jake lifting Tyler to make the shot! Too cute!

Then we took a stroll to the local ice cream shop and deli and had a wonderful dinner....grilled chicken salad w/ lettuce and tomato, mayo AND mustard....it was fabulous, and a large fresh sqeezed lemonade. Jake had a tuna sandwich w/ thick cut fries. We ended w/ the best ice cream ever....my favorite, snickers! And Tyler had his own "purple ice cream", (raspberry). Of course none of this took place until the shock wore off from Tyler pulling the fire alarm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES! (Tyler's friend Owen would be proud that's for sure!!)

At the creamery we're just sitting nicely waiting for our food and all the sudden the sirens go off! We look over and he just looks like he's in total shock! "that's loud" he says w/ big eyes! I quickly told the lady that is was indeed my precious son and that I hoped the fire trucks wouldn't be coming! She was able to call them in time to stop that from happening!! Needless to say we won't be sitting in THAT booth again, but how can those little hands resist that fancy looking white handled box at eye level?? 

After our saga, we started walking home only to realize the menacing storm clouds gathering behind us, "I better run ahead with the boys" says Jake. So, I just lagged behind enjoying the smell of rain and finishing my favorite ice cream....until large drops starting falling on my head. I threw what remained in the nearest trash can and booked it across the people's backyards like a mad woman!! I made it to my niece's home just in time! Thankfully they were there and I took refuge in their home until the storm passed over. Jess walked me home and we had a great time together. Thanks Jess!! So, now it's 8 p.m. and I'm ready to get into my pj's and lounge. Hope you had an adventurous weekend, (minus the false alarm!!!) Happy Monday.....
"The cure for boredom is curiosity.
There is no cure for curiosity."
~Ellen Parr~
There is no cure for curiosity."
~Ellen Parr~
WHAT!!! oh janelle! i know how you feel. (remember owen alarm at our church?!) did they have to evacuate the building? i want to hear all about it. see you weds! xo
Hilarious! Ashley did it in the church nursery. There were just a few of us there. Poor Girl! She was so scared. Tyler is right! It is loud!
Are Owen and Tyler hanging out too much??? Hmmm...
Haha!!!!! I can imagine after the initial shock of it, it occured to you that THIS EVENT would make an excellent post!! And guess what? It did!
It's nice to know someone else has a little boy as "curious" as mine. Although we've never set an alarm off but I will now keep my eyes peeled for where the "triggers" are stationed!!
So funny!!
Ah, life, the joys and the things that are joyous in retrospect....
I find myself often thinking of what a great blog post my kids deeds and misdeeds will make....
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