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Saturday, June 7, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday Jacob Tyler!!

Today our little boy turns 3!! How quickly the years have gone. I read once, "the days are long, but the years are short" and I am seeing how true that is! Tyler was born in the early morning hours on June 7th, 2005. Actually I remember well that just one minute after he was born Jake's alarm clock went off! So, that would be around 5 a.m.!! My labor and delivery went so beautifully with him. We lived in our darling first apartment in Goodville, PA. and had him at home in our bathtub!! That was NOT on purpose, but he came so quickly I didn't even have time to get out of the tub!, (thus beginning my love for water birth). I will never forget the first time I held him in my arms, "oh honey, it's a boy! you have a son!!" I just cried and laughed and cried some more. He was so calm, just looking around at everything. Jake held him for the first half hour and rocked him and sang to him. And that moment when I crawled into my bed and held this miracle in my arms....time. stood. still. As tired as I was I just couldn't fall asleep, I kept opening my eyes to look at him because I couldn't believe he was actually here. And now we fast forward three years and I still look at him and can't believe he's here, he's our little boy, our firstborn, our guy. Tyler has such a sweet spirit. He is very social and loves to be around people, (I can't imagine where he got THAT from!!). Although he also enjoys playing by himself and pretending for hours with his precious Thomas trains. He is very particular about things being in order and being placed where they should be. He likes order, (after he's done playing and making a mess)! Tyler loves anything that has to do with cooking or baking, he could sit for hours and watch the Food Network. Whenever I am in the kitchen you can be sure he'll pull up his little chair and "help." He also has a very gentle spirit toward others, when they fall he wants to make sure they are okay, if he has something to eat, he wants to make sure others do as well. One of my greatest and deepest prayers for Tyler, (since he was still in my womb) was that he would be kind to others. Through the Grace of God I hope to instill that in his heart and mind because when we care about others first, that is when True Life begins. Sweet Tyler, WE LOVE YOU and we're so glad you were born. Happy 3rd Birthday Guy!!!
"The first time ever I saw your face
I thought the sun rose in your eyes
And the moon and stars were the gifts you gave
to the dark and the empty skies, my love."
~Roberta Flack~


tines said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TYLER! we love you and agree with your have the sweetest kindest spirit! come & play sometime soon! owen's pool is open! xo

Anonymous said...

We love you, "Guy", I remember well when I got the phone call announcing your arrival. Uncle Marlin said he never saw me jump out of bed so quickly! =)I couldn't wait to meet you!! You are a blessing in our world. I love when you come to "Aunt Shrish's" house... I love that you and Chase are such buddies.... I love you!!! Happy Birthday, "Guy"! Shrish

Bess said...

Happy Birthday Tyler! :) Hope you have a fun day!

(Hey, Janelle...missed you a few weeks ago! Let's have a get-together soon!) :)

Vickie said...

Wow! I watched your slide show and remembered those pictures as if it were just yesterday! Happy Birthing Day to you dear friend! You are an incredible mother. Not only did God bless you with Tyler...he blessed Tyler with you!


oh joy! said...

Happy Birthday Tyler! Janelle, I should know better than to wear make-up when i read your blog. I either laugh myself to tears or just plain cry. You are a blessed woman! Proverbs 31 much? Love you.

Anonymous said...

happy birthday jacob tyler stoltzfus. i can remember the moment i received the call from your mama. she was beyond excited, she was thrilled & grateful. it's been so fun watching your grow little guy!

janelle, what an incredible three years. wow. i am so glad that tyler is happy, healthy & well and he is blessed to have a mother like you.

happy birthday.

Just a little something from Judy said...

Janelle, You are extremely gifted, when it comes to posting blogs!! I found myself falling in love with little Tyler, just from the pictures and your words. What a precious tribute to your son. I love when you post on your blog, whether it is about your family or the color, fushia. Judy