What a delightful day, my daughter and I had our first tea party. 

My dear friend and mentor Orpha treated Paisley & I to "high tea" at a local tea shop. It felt so good to get all dolled up and sit down to a quiet meal so elegantly served. 
Orpha held Paisley, kissing and hugging and cuddling her while I enjoyed every.single.bite and sip of my meal. Thank you Orpha for taking the time to make such sweet memories for me. Thank you also for giving me a break from the ordinary day-to-day life and making me feel like such a Lady! 
I am so blessed to have Godly, wise, real, integral, quality women in my life. It has always been important to me to have someone speaking into my life and that I am in turn speaking into someone else's life. On some days that "someone" may be my children, and on other days it may be a friend who needs a listening ear or a "shoulder to cry on." We all have someone in our life that we can give to, but do we have someone that gives to us? I encourage you today, that if you don't have someone you look up to, someone that builds you up and gives you sound counsel.....pray them into your life. God works through people, through relationships, through accountability and through cups of tea!
"Godly women~
may we be them,
may we know them,
may we raise them."
~unknown author~
What a precious time in your life ~making a beautiful memory with your daughter...
Thanks for your message. That would be fun, I would love to make something matching for you and paisley ~Let me know colors, head sizes, and what you have in mind...
We need to set a date to get together ;-)
This is so beautiful - enjoying tea with you little daughter and spending time with a mentor. I love Sugarplums & Tea! Such a dear place!
The mentor thing strikes a longing in me. I had that in PA with several women, and down here I haven't really found women to be that for me yet. Perhaps I just need to pray them in to my life, like you said! Thank you for that reminder!
LOVE the headband on Paisley on her new tooth post!! :)
Got your message...sounds great! The first or second week in November would work good for me...maybe a Tuesday or Thursday? Let me know...
Have a great one!
Oh how sweet and cute! I LOVE that place...went to a baby shower there earlier this year. I can't wait to take my daugher there soon!
I love this post! You three are beautiful! Time to take a break. Time to enjoy good food and tea, and time to spend with good friends...what a gift from God to us.
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