Our lilacs are blooming. That smell takes me right back to the week Paisley was born. I had cut some blooms and placed them all around the house. I like to have fresh flowers nearby when I'm laboring. Makes me feel peaceful. I had a bouquet right next to our bed. 

xoxo to you Maribeth! We love you!!

Paisley has spunk.
She's joyful and playful.
She is quick to smile.
She loves her Daddy.
She loves to eat anything you put in front of her:
salmon, asparagus and homemade bread are a few of her favorites!
She is 23 pounds. (My left bicep is very toned).
She is wrestled by her brothers and could care less! If she doesn't like something, you will know it!
She has a set of lungs on her....and they are STRONG!
She is content to sit back and watch the action around her.
She is daring.
She is feisty.
She is charming.
Our hearts continue to be grateful for ALL we have been given through her.
She has captured our hearts.
"She is my joy and heart's delight."
~ Robert Wever~
happy day.
Your pictures are beautiful...they make me cry. :)
Happy special day to the little girl of the house! :)
Happy Birthday "Sweetie Pie" ( I won't even try to write it the way I say it! lol) Love you so much...
Happy 1st Birthday to Paisley!!! And what a beautiful little girl she is!!!
I really enjoy watching her grow up. She is so adorable! I wish her a very special birthday! She certainly is a loved little girl.
So adorable! Happy birthday Miss Paisley! It just makes me smile to see how much she looks like you :) And, for the record, I'm pretty sure I delivered exactly NONE of your children!!!! "Attended all your births" -- yes! And here's to 12 more! ")
PS -- in that pic w/ me that is definitely way "above average" muscle tone for a newborn! Way to go Pais!
Coming out of the closet, Janelle! Love your blog. LOVE Maribeth...THE BEST!!!
I can honestly say I have NEVER IN MY LIFE seen a little girl who is the very (miniature) replica of her mother. GORGEOUS! (both of you!!!)
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