The best yard sale we've ever had went down in history a few weeks ago. Let me begin by saying that an event this huge CANNOT BE DONE ALONE. My dear friend Jessica, (whom I met at one of my yard sales a few years ago) and I worked on this whole shebang together! I love working with her.....and being with life alongside her.

My flower boxes were ready to greet all the yard sale divas on Friday night!
I'm enjoying my boxes this year more then years past because I got an early star. The local Amish greenhouse had such a lovely flower selection. I went with COLOR, that's my theme!
I'm enjoying my boxes this year more then years past because I got an early star. The local Amish greenhouse had such a lovely flower selection. I went with COLOR, that's my theme!
The signs were placed out and about our small town.
The Ladies brought CAR LOADS of stuff.....they worked so hard!!
We did something different this year and had what we called a "vendor preview." So, from 3-4 pm all the ladies that had a stand were able to peruse the other stands before the gates opened. I had placed a mason jar, (an "honesty jar" I named it) on each table. So if you purchased something from that stand you would just place the money in that allotted jar. I think it was a hit. I enjoyed it so much....peeking at all the goodies!!!
(You can see the finished picture of the carriage house in the background,
my husband is out of this world).
my husband is out of this world).
Our little "vignettes". We like to separate the items by the room they would belong in.
It's really pleasing to the eye and makes it easy for purchasing.
It's really pleasing to the eye and makes it easy for purchasing.
Goodies Galore!!!!
A delightful display in the one corner from The Cottonwood House. (You'll see one of my purchases from her later on in this post).
My talented friend Michelle from Italian Lane.
How much do you love her display? So creative. So fun!
Much to my dismay Jake cut and burned these massive doors.
They were taking up our yard space for too long and we couldn't figure out what to do with them.
If you need some beautiful, unique note cards,
she's your girl!!
she's your girl!!
Shar, my cousin and her darling, darling things......
Terri and her TREASURES, (can you understand why I hardly made any money with all this loveliness coming to my HOME)??? She was selling alot of her inventory from Lulu and Tutz, I could have cried. It just didn't seem right, but I know there are BRIGHTER days ahead that have nothing to do with boxes and price tags! (See that little sign, we placed them on each table, it says: "Pay as you go. Look for the lady in the apron."). Each vendor wore an apron setting them apart from the customers and making them look quite adorable in the time being!
Another vignette.
3:59 pm
4:10 pm!!!
My high school soccer coach, Mr. Rice, was there to sell his fresh Italian ice from a little cart with a red and white umbrella! So, so sweet!!
It was so welcoming and delicious right at the entrance!
It was so welcoming and delicious right at the entrance!
Samantha and Kylie, my nieces selling baked goods and candy at their stand. xoxo.
Friday evening was a true success. Saturday morning came bright and early, with a fresh breakfast buffet for each of the vendors.
muffins*coffee*yogurt*granola*espresso beans*fruit
(and take a peek at my new patio door....I'll have to show you my newly arranged kitchen this Summer. I love my kitchen. I live in my kitchen)!
(and take a peek at my new patio door....I'll have to show you my newly arranged kitchen this Summer. I love my kitchen. I live in my kitchen)!
I bought this little beauty from The Cottonwood House stand,
an old cabinet door turned chalkboard! She belongs in my kitchen!!
an old cabinet door turned chalkboard! She belongs in my kitchen!!
Besides our neighborhood police officer putting us in our place for causing a huge traffic jam, it was a lovely time had by all, (except those that parked illegally and therefore got a ticket~boo-hoo! Hopefully they at least found a good deal before seeing their ticket)! Next time we need what he called "an event's permit" if it gets this size again!!! Better take a note of that.....
He came and placed signs and cones to help keep the traffic flowing. I asked him "could I pay you whatever you wanted per hour to come back in your uniform and direct traffic?" He said he'd have to talk to his chief about that. He never came back, except to place the signs.
You won't even believe it, but between all the vendors and both days, over $6,000 was made!!! Of course, what each woman made, they took home with them. I was so thankful to hear that each of them did so well. We really wanted it to be "worth their time and energy" and as far as I know, each woman felt duly compensated for their labor!! By Saturday afternoon, this place was as quiet as a mouse. All the unsold items were taken to Goodwill, the tables were returned and the signs were taken down. Until next year friends......
"In the old days a man who saved money was a miser;
nowadays he's a wonder."
nowadays he's a wonder."
~Author Unknown~
so sad to have missed it, but i heard so much about it. i had jena, erin & kim over that evening and got the scoop and saw some of their finds!
so fun.
looks FAB!
Wow - it looks like so much fun! I'm sorry I missed it also. That weekend was super-full already. I'll pay attention next year and hope I can make it. Thanks for 'taking me there' with the pictures. :) - Laurie
I had more to comment on, but forgot it all after I read that. SERIOUSLY?????
I had more to comment on, but forgot it all after I read that. SERIOUSLY?????
wow! double shouting comment!!!!! watch out!! :) I know Michelle, it's TERRIBLE. I tried to stop him, but resistance was futile!!
I have no idea why it posted twice! Sorry. :) Although, I guess it DOES express my sentiments... ;)
It seems like a big and a very successful yard event!
Had i not been camping, i would have been to clog up traffic even more!!! The stands where amazing...and your kitchen looks gorgeous! I can't wait to see the drapery up close! And see what the light really does to that room. Love it! Love you!
Unbelieveable - six thousand dollars?!?!? I can't believe I didn't drive all the way up there for the grand event. I saw scores of things on the pictures that I wished I could have bought! :) Way to go on creating a wonderful, successful barn sale!!
Definately by far, the best yard sale around!! I can't wait until next year. It was so nice to meet you that day.
Your kitchen is just gorgeous!!!
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