This past Wednesday I decided to take some time....well, it's more like MAKE some time to have three lovely ladies over for tea. These ladies represent so much in my life, they are women to be admired, respected, honored and esteemed. I place a lot of value on having "older" women in my life. Those who have traveled before me, paving the way of sorts. I have SO MUCH to glean from their life experiences. They & their husbands are friends with Jake and I through different avenues of life, but they also are long time friends with one another. It's really a neat story, the way I met each one individually only to find out that they knew one another. Even on our wedding day, it was so special to have them seated at the same table with their husbands.

It was delightful to finally spread my "tea" table again. It's been some time, seeing as we moved here only a year ago and 2 months later had a newborn baby. I feel that I've only been "maintaining" since then. I look forward to hosting more tea times this year with those I love and cherish and also with those I have just met and desire to know better.

Seated left to right ~ Linda Eberly, Marianne Stoltzfus and Orpha Hostetter.
Linda was my neighbor when I lived in Ronks. You could not ask for a better neighbor. I lived with my best friend Lindy at the time and we had some great times at Linda's house....most of the time was spent laughing! You cannot stay sad around this lady! Needless to say, the fun begins when she enters the room. With all her joy, she is also a lady with great wisdom and insight. And she has such a great way of speaking the truth to you with gentleness, conviction and kindness. She is a treasure to be sure. She is known and loved by many, many people. Radiant is the word that comes to mind in regards to this Lady.
I met Marianne while I was in high school. I went to school with her sons and became her friend through frequent visits to their home. She has been a spiritual "mother" of sorts to me over the past 10 years. Although our visits are far and few between these days, it still feels like it was just yesterday that we were together. I remember spending hours upon hours over a cup of tea and homemade something or another, asking questions about all sorts of things. She would pray with me, advise me, laugh with me. She was by my side during the whole drama with Jake which has since became our love story! Counselor is the word I think of when I think of Marianne.
I met Orpha through our old church. It felt to me that we were kindred spirits from the beginning. She radiates with love and special attention to detail when you are with her. She listens, truly listens when you speak with her. Her love for Jesus above all else is what first sparked an interest for me. She is a servant at heart and it shows through her actions. Just spend a few minutes at her home and you will immediately feel that you are being cared for with such capable hands. True servant are the words that come to mind when I think of Orpha.

The centerpiece of our tea table. Birds ~ like women, chirping and singing the day away!

"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."
~Winston Churchill
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my site, it is about the CresceNet, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . A hug.
I don't know the person above and I haven't found out how to delete this comment, so my suggestion would be to NOT visit their site.
Avery & I would love to come for a visit! And Feb. 12 is great for me! I'm looking forward to it! :) (and I must admit, I can't wait to see your charming house in real life)...oh, and the coffee maker comment really cracked me up!
i don't remember how i came across your site, sorry, but i wanted to say that your table looks beautiful!
thank you for sharing.
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