It's November 19th and I just realized that I forgot to post pictures from our annual nieces/nephews campout! I was looking through our summer pictures trying to get warm inside and came upon them! Each year becomes a little event in and of itself. This was the 6th year in a row that we've done this and we don't intend to stop anytime soon! It's something that we all look forward to each Summer. So, here's to Summer! 

the result of the above photo...
My little chip-thief....

Caught!!! orange-handed!
Sami, Kylie and Olivia.
Golf anyone? Sweet Sophia.
Here's a bunch lounging on the hammock eating pizza on a beautiful summer's eve.

Sami and Kylie...or shall I say, "Moldy Cheeseheads?" (don't ask)!
All the kids running to see Grandma coming! So cute!!

Tyler and Chase crusin' around the yard, somehow Chase
is always the one pulling or pushing Tyler around! Bless his heart!!
is always the one pulling or pushing Tyler around! Bless his heart!!

The boys at their favorite place. Our makeshift "Thomas the train table."

Playing on the giant ship and in the ball pit! (Thanks MaryJo for letting us use it)! 

Movie Time! Jake cut down a tree and then rigged the screen on the side of the barn, with speakers on either side, (the cutting of the tree was a different night although I wouldn't put it past him to get an idea and put it into action immediately He's amazing! It looked so NEAT! We're looking forward to lots of outdoor movie nights next summer!
A movie's not complete without....

their own personal popcorn in hand! Loves it!

JOY! We love our nieces and nephews so much! It truly is a highlight for us each summer.
Even when we were looking for a new home, Jake would say, in regards to the yard, "I don't think this yard would work for the campout!!" How sweet is he??

~J.M. Barrie~
*"over the rainbow" israel k.
aww fun! i wonder when ill be able to make the next campout. every year there is something new.. a popcorn machine?! nice addition.
wish i coulda made it!
by the the Somewhere over the rainbow cover by Izzy K...he's the man
Oh my word, you have the cutest family!!
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