My Baby is growing up, she's not a newborn anymore. She takes my breath away if she lays on my chest too long, that's how I know I'm past the "newborn" stage with my babies. Technically I think it's 0-6 months/newborn, 6-12 months/infant, 12-24 months/toddler...not sure on that. Anyway, she's sitting so well on her own. She enjoys this time of interacting with the world around her. I can't believe I'm already opening the Tupperware drawer for her, handing her the spatula and measuring spoons to play with. I feel like she was just born! She's getting "big" in my arms. 29 inches and 20 lbs. She's a workout hidden in footie pajamas!! She is such a JOY! I think I've said that repeatedly, but it's more true then ever.

She rarely cries for anything, but when she does cry it.is.loud! She is easily soothed and LOVES to be talked with. The boys adore her and I often will find her with about 40 toys surrounding her. She's starting to fuss when I leave the room, but beams that smile of hers if I peek my head around the corner. This little girl can SMILE! She is by far my most smiley baby and I just love it. It's amazing and fascinating to me to see my children's temperaments so evident at even an early age. Take for example this picture of Luke at Paisley's age: man, he was cute! And to this day, this is his "look"~~somber, sensitive, inquisitive. It took work to get him to smile.

and just for kicks, Tyler at the same age as well: (check out that Mama hair-do)!!

On the other hand, if you simply SAY her name, she beams from ear to ear. She is super snuggley! She loves to be held tight and kissed on the neck. She takes one bottle in the evening. Yippee! Tyler and Luke never took a bottle so it's kinda fun having a bottle-baby. Jake feeds her at night. It is darling. He sings over her and prays for her and tells her how beautiful she is. And she smiles back, milk dripping from the corners of her mouth. My soul is so blessed when I watch this, a picture of God to me....providing my "daily bread" while He sings over me and calls me His own. I am so grateful for my husband and each one of my babies. They say I'm raising them, but I think it's the other way around!

My husband is finally home after more then 48 hours of plowing, salting and plowing some more. We got about 18 inches of snow. I've been snowed in with the children, trying my best to wear them out w/ playing outside, hot meals and warm baths. They've watched enough videos to last a month. I've kept the home fires burning....literally. I'm so glad he's home again, and I have to look at this way, he was plowing coins!! I'm sure it must feel so good to be lying down in bed. It's almost 1 am and I better do the same.
P.s. oh the things a first-time Mother does!!! Back then we thought is was SO CUTE, now I think it looks ridiculous, not to mention VERY uncomfortable!!!
We were snowed in all weekend as well! But it was actually kind of fun!
Paisley really is beautiful. Look how big she is! I can't believe I've been following your blog that long already. I remember when she was born! Time passes so quickly...it's almost sad how quickly.
By the way...LOVE you in short hair! I had that same hair cut for a long time in college! I loved it. But alas, my husband is a long hair fan.
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas, Janelle!
love that Paisley girl! Lin is finally home too. snoring at the moment, with his feet propped by the fire:)
love you
Your kids are just so precious Janelle! And I LOVED the Christmas card picture!! PERFECTION!!
Ahhh yes, to be a "first time" mom! lol I much prefer the "seasoned" stage....
Looking forward to Wednesday.
Love you all! Shrish
Look at your babies!!! Are you noticing how much longer and thicker Paisley's hair is? I was praying for Jake just this morning, imaging the long weekend he must have had...and praising God for "the coins"!
Our heat is finally hooked up, Saturday night...praises from the Hedge household to God's ears!
wanting to squeeze you AND all your babies, I think that besides me and my hubby, you two produce the most squeezable ones :)
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