What a fun day.....relatively speaking, getting our Christmas pictures taken. My husband kindly drove to my sister Von's house to pick up her couch for the shoot. Bless his heart. We put down an outdoor carpet we had and flanked the side with
old suitcases we have. The backdrop are the doors from our old carriage house. They work great for "shabby chic" picture taking. The boys scarves were "made" by cutting a large scarf in two! My cousin Sharalee is an aspiring photographer and her work is beautiful. She has an eye for details, especially in capturing faces. Thank you Shar for taking the time out of your busy life to come and capture ours. If you would like more information on scheduling your own family photo shoot with her, she can be reached at
BenHalvorsen@aol.com And thank you to my sister Janet for dropping m & m's into Shar's hair to get the boys to smile and for totally bribing Tyler with a new Thomas train!! Shameless, shameless bribing!! So without further ado:

Where it all began...

pretty sure I love him more now then ever....

yep, I'm sure!!

one of my favorites:

Paisley's birth announcement picture, sent out w/ our Christmas cards to save on postage!

i mean seriously, this FACE!!

Conveniently, Luke had fallen two days before this leaving a lovely little bruise on his forehead!

This picture captures him quite well; perfectly content to be alone.

JOY from the soul, coming through his eyes. Luke has what I call the "soul stare." Looks like you can see right into his little soul when you look in his eyes!

The boys with their hero.

WHAT is happening to my little boy? He's getting so big!

It wasn't easy getting him in a shirt "with lots of buttons." Probably his least favorite thing is to wear a shirt "with lots of buttons." but as previously mentioned there was bribing involved....not something I like to make a habit of, but I was desperate to redeem ourselves from
last years picture!!

my little boy is growing up.
Here's to Christmas, 2009. 

"Bless every twig upon my family tree."
~Twila Paris~
So beautiful! What joy fills my heart to see these precious little faces. Shar did an amazing job. love, LOVE, lOvE the m&m s in the hair idea!
xoxoxox...mIss yOU!
I love EVERY one of them!!! Thanks for sending us one! Mine...still in a pile here. Sigh. Too late now, I guess! Happy New Year!
Loved, loved, LOVED the cards and the photo shoot...how fun that must have been! Your babies are little dolls!
(Please tell me, lie to me if you must, that Benedryl or some form of sedative was involved...oh, that's right, it was m&m's in the hair. Of all the crazy things i've tried, that tactic has been overlooked. Perhaps that will magically make ALL the children look at the camera next time I foolishly attempt a family photo. Looking forward to the 3rd!!
Were do you get your boys clothes?? They are super cute and we just had a boy and I am always on the look out for fashionable stuff...since there isn't much out there!
Thanks! Most, if not all their clothing is from yard sales/consignment stores/goodwill. it's not that we couldn't afford "new" clothing, it's just that I can't bring myself to pay full price for something. We, as Americans have SO MUCH CLOTHING it's not even funny! So, most of what I find at sales, etc. is barely worn/used. Some still have tags. I am finding that as Tyler grows older, the clothing is worn harder....so, I'm having to buy new for him. Target and Old Navy have AMAZING end of year sales, (these are the rare times when I will buy new). Baby Boy stuff is IN ABUNDANCE at most second hand stores. If you have an Old Navy near you, their end of year sale is out of this world! Hope this helps!! Have fun dressing your little man!! There are some sweet things out there!! :-)
i love my darling cousins. and i miss you and my uncle!!
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