He's a lover of LIFE!! He laughs alot and cries easily! He is FULLY engaged in whatever he's doing. He loves friends, food and fellowship. Most nights during dinner, "are you done eating 'cause if you are, then I can eat the rest." (speaking to his brother or sister and their half-eaten plates of food). He's easily eats more then me.....at every meal.

He ADORES his baby sister and speaks to her in a high-pitched baby voice. He is so sweet to her, (unless she takes something of his, then it's not so sweet)!!
He is the leader of the pack. Often organizing pretend play and telling everyone what to do and what to say. I'm trying to work with the "bossy" part of it. As I remember quite clearly one mantra in my ear, "stop being so bossy Janelle!" (oh dear).
He loves being with his cousins. Here he is with Sophia when they were both so little! xoxo.
My precious baby! Oh, those days with just my baby and I.
So many sweet memories of our "alone" days.
So many sweet memories of our "alone" days.
One of my favorite pictures of Tyler when he was a baby.
"Safe in Daddy's hands" I titled it:
"Safe in Daddy's hands" I titled it:
A very unfortunate first Christmas for the firstborn!!
Sorry about that Tyler.....oh, and the reindeer outfit too!
Sorry about that Tyler.....oh, and the reindeer outfit too!
Aiden~Chase~Tyler, (and Bennett too, but he wasn't born yet when this picture was taken) his cousins,
some of his favorite people!
some of his favorite people!
He was so BRAVE last year when he had a serious staph infection. The week long hospital stay, the shots, the PICC line, the antibiotics 4 times a day for weeks on end. He grew up a lot during that time. Another favorite cousin visiting him at the hospital, "Poopy Mitch" as he has been affectionately named!! (sorry about that Mitch)!!
Playing with friends.....
His hero.
His pal.
His Daddy.
His pal.
His Daddy.
Our traditional outing each year at the Fulton Opera House.
He enjoys productions on stage and sits so still throughout the entire performance. These dates are precious, just me and my little man.
He enjoys productions on stage and sits so still throughout the entire performance. These dates are precious, just me and my little man.
His everyday friends.
His forever friends.
His forever friends.
Tyler, we're so glad you were born! That you were GIVEN to us, to our family, for this ever brief time on earth. We love you so much and hope you know that through and through! MAY YOUR SIXTH YEAR BE YOUR BEST YEAR EVER!! Here's to making memories.....
"For whoever finds Me finds life....."Proverbs 8:35
Golly they sure grow fast!! My oldest turned 5 recently...I keep telling him to "scrunch down" when we walk side by side because he's already half my height, not to mention all arms and legs. Do you keep wondering where your tiny baby went too??
Boys are so great, aren't they? Happy birthday to your son! I only have one so far, but want more some day soon! I was talking to my dear mom on the phone this morning . . . about mothering. I want to encourage you with some of the things she said to me (in my own words): You cannot begin to measure the importance of your role as a mother! If we could truly get ahold of that truth and believe it and know that surely WE WILL receive great reward in heaven for nurturing and loving and doing all the mundane things . . . it would change us! Also she told me the story of one of King Saul's wives who, when her sons were killed in a day, she stayed by their bodies for 6 MONTHS protecting their bodies from birds, wild animals, etc. Sorry for the gross story, but the point is that she was a fierce protector of her sons. We mothers can and should be that to our own sons/children. Fighting for them in prayer, being bold and brave and vigilent and relentless in keeping watch over their souls. May the Lord give you grace and wisdom and "fight" to do it well! Blessings today . . .
Still remember the phone call when he was born!
Happy day!!
Oh, how this made me tear up so! :) He's so handsome, and so dearly loved!
I am tearing up. Oh how I love this little man! I remember those early days so well...seems like yesterday. xoxoxoxox. You are one awesome mom!
WHAT six years?! How is it even possible?! Time flies... He was strong from his first moments... newborn babies have their souls (and personalities) firmly intact. God blesses us with his sweet big brother soul!
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