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Friday, January 9, 2009

Forgotten he will not be

In November I wrote about the sudden death of my cousins only son, Brent. Just a few weeks ago I received this letter from his parents. It is the amazing story of a woman who was at Brent's side during his final moments on this earth:

**** To a wonderful group of friends! Mahlon wanted me to write a little of our story to you, and some of you already know it, so you don't have to read this if you don't want to. As you know, our only son left this earth on Tues (actually Monday) of last week. We were burdened for him, knowing that he was wayward lately, not a bad boy, just not where he should be, and our prayer when we got news of the accident was for his salvation. We soon figured out that Beth wasn't telling us the whole truth about how bad he really was, and we found out while waiting for our flight home at the airport that he was brain dead. Our prayer then changed to, Oh Lord, let him not have gone instantly. When we got to the hospital and heard from the doctor and the nurse, I can't remember which one it was, but one said he went instantly and didn't have any pain, while the no pain was a comfort, the instantly as no comfort!!

The other one told us that he was still breathing on his own when he arrived at the hospital, and I was hanging on to that one, that he had that minute, and I was sticking to it. I mentioned this to someone (I can't remember who) and she said to me, June, you can pray for a specific sign. Well, on Saturday morning I got my sign. This has been such a comfort to us, and such an answer to prayer for us! It's amazing.

Freiman was home and went to get a haircut. He was talking about his nephew to his hair dresser and the hair dresser questioned him, and said, my daughter was following the combine at the time of the accident and was with Brent. He didn't tell us, but told Grace, and she got the girl's phone # and called her and Saturday morning came over to tell us this story.

Megan, (the girl) was following the combine and heard something and saw the combine driver get out and he was very upset. He was on the phone. She got out of her car, and with no thought of herself, or danger, was at Brent's side within a minute!!! (picture this, under the combine, she had to have crawled in.) She prayed for him, herself, and his salvation, and she yelled in his ear, if you have something to say to God, say it now. She said he tried to respond, and she told him not to. She said she had such love for a boy she never knew, she didn't know you could have that kind of love. People were yelling at her to get out, the car could explode, and she said she's not leaving until someone comes to help him.

Yesterday I got a phone call from Megan herself. We talked for a long time,and then we invited her to come and eat with us last night. She met Beth and Eric then too, and she was telling us that she was very upset that no one came down there to help her, and there was lots of bystanders. She said I wasn't about to leave his side, she was touching him, stroking his hair and talking to him the whole time, He just wanted to sleep, and she kept saying to him just wait buddy (she didn't know his name) don't go yet.

We asked her what made her go under that combine. Honestly I don't know if I could do that myself. We told her she was an angel, and she insists that Brent was her angel.She handed me a poem last night that she wrote and I'll share it with you. I can't read it without tears! Hopefully it will bless you too. She is wanting to stay in touch with us, and wondered if she could have something of Brent's to remember him!

Here is the poem:

The sun glistens through the trees,
And for a moment more there will be peace.
It's an ordinary Monday day,
Only, tragedy is on the way.
All of a sudden I saw the crash,
In that same instant, I heard the blast.
A puff of smoke rose in the sky,
As tears began to sting my eyes.
I ran as fast as my feet would carry me,
Not knowing what it was that I would see.
And through the window, I saw him there,
A handsome young man, with soft brown hair.
And what I heard next,I could never forget.
The faint cries of a dying man,
As I pray with him, and hold his hand.
I touched his heart, to try and feel it beat,
As the life poured out of him into the street.
He knew I was there, and he tried to speak,
But it wasn't words, he was too weak.
I was down on my knees,
Begging God to have mercy on his sweet soul...please!
Twisted metal, broken glass,
How long would this nightmare last?
Time felt as if it was standing still,
Then I heard the sirens beyond the hill.
Help was finally on the way,Only, they had come too late.
There was nothing more that could be done,
God had decided he was taking this one.
I love this man I never knew before,
His beautiful face, I will always adore.
He taught me a lesson as he lay there lifeless,
A gift from him, that is truly priceless.
I am honored to have been there with him in the end,
That he wasn't alone, and he had a friend.
Forever and ever your memory will live on,
Forgotten he will not be, even though he's gone.
Megan L. McEvoy 11/14/08

God's ways are not our ways, his thoughts are not our thoughts. Mahlon and I will always thank him for this wonderful answer to our prayers. What a gift! I also want to mention Beth, she was amazing through all of this. We feel so bad that she had to carry this without us around. Her husband Eric, was a tower of strength through this. We knew he was wonderful before, but I don't think we knew how wonderful. She was very quiet last night when Megan was talking, kinda having to relive everything again, but I think it was also healing for her. when you pray for us, also pray for them. They are truly wonderful. Thank you for caring!

June and Mahlon

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Please continue to pray for them and their families as they learn to live life without their son, brother, cousin, nephew, grandson, friend....remembering him, longing for him and yet living everyday life without him.


Jeane` said...


And I couldn't beleive when I saw it was Megan McEvoy...I went to elementary school with her and can clearly remember her sweet face.

Wow...I have no words...

Dana said...

Amazing! And what a strong woman Megan was to be couragous enough to not leave his side and be obedient to Christ is giving Brent comfort and hope of eternity during his last moments.

Lulu and Tutz said...

Thank you for sharing this...this story touched deep when I read it originally. Brent sounded so like my own son who is also a hockey and car-lover. One can never be prepared to say goodbye to a child...and especially a child who is still finding their way in life...still deciding whom they will serve. What a blessing to have this young woman sit with them and share his last moments...isn't God just sweet to us? So sweet...

Bess said...

Wow...what beauty and strength.

Thank you SO much for sharing...

Anonymous said...

I know this letter was not sent to you directly. And I don't believe you asked how his family would feel if you posted this for the world to see. It is a personal letter. Not an internet blog.